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اللي يحب والديه يدخل ويساعدني بليز

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السلام عليكم

بغيت جمل ال Writing

عن صورة ولد جالس ع الكرسي عدال التلفزيون وياكل وااايد وما يتحرك او يسوي رياضة

ابغي جمل من عندكم …… بلييييز ساااعدوني ….. باجر الامتحان يكرم المرء او يهان

1 – Sitting in front of T.V too much because it hurt the eyes
2 – Eating a lot without doing exercise is not good because it is harmful to your health.
3 – Do exercise every day gives us a healthy body.
Keef 7alkom shbab…?

– Watching too much TV is unhealthy.
– Sitting down for a long period of time can lead to health issues.
– The boy is watching TV while eating food.
– Not moving (is one of the main causes of) / (can lead to) obesity.
– The boy should do exercises to stay healthy.
– The boy has an unhealthy lifestyle.
– The boy is sitting too close to the TV, which may hurt his eyes.
– Eating too much without exercising is unhealthy.

InshAllah bel tawfee8 ow el naja7 lel koll… fa ed3oolna الشارقة

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