تخطى إلى المحتوى

theme 4: how teeth work,science 5

word meaning


  1. meaning
  2. أسنان استعمال
  3. أسنان لبنية الم الأسنان
  4. أسنان دائمة المعجون
  5. الناب يبيض
  6. الأضراس تسقط
  7. القواطع يعتنى ب
  8. أضراس أمامية بلطف
  9. قطع التجاويف
  10. يمزق طول الحياة
  11. الازدحام طبيب الأسنان
  12. يطحن متاعب
  13. المينا الصيد
  14. اللب يضعف
  15. العصب جير على الأسنان
  16. الجذر حمض
  17. البندقية يبقى
  18. العاج يهاجم
  19. التركيب نتعلم
  20. طبيعى الأعواد
  21. الفرشاة العظام
  22. Theme 4: how teeth work
  23. 1- Put a (/) for true and a(x) for false.
  24. (a) The surface of tooth is harder than bones. ( )
  25. Reason ————————————————————————————–
  26. (b) Every time a tooth falls off, a new tooth grows in its place. ( )
  27. Reason ————————————————————————————–
  28. (c) All teeth can cut, grind and tear. ( )
  29. Reason ————————————————————————————–
  30. (d) Once cavities are formed in a tooth the tooth, has to be taken out. ( )
  31. Reason ————————————————————————————–
  32. (e) Once cavities are formed, germs start living in them. ( )
  33. Reason ————————————————————————————–
  34. (f) All teeth have the same shape. ( )
  35. Reason ————————————————————————————–
  36. 2- Name these:
  37. (a) Teeth that fall off and are replaced by new teeth. ————————–
  38. (b) Tearing teeth. ——————————
  39. (c) Paste like material that sticks to teeth if you do not brush. ———————–
  40. (d) The doctor who treats your teeth if you do not brush. —————————
  41. (e) Doctors can stop cavities by it. ———————————
  42. (f) The natural tooth brush. ———————————-
  43. 3- What is each of these useful for?
  44. Incisors —————————————————————————————-
  45. Canines —————————————————————————————-
  46. Premolars and molars ———————————————————————–
  47. 4- How do cavities develop in teeth?
  48. ————————————————————————————————–
  49. ————————————————————————————————–
  50. 5- Complete:
  51. (a) a child’s first set of teeth are————-.these fall off and are replaced by the ————————–teeth.
  52. (b) we have different kinds of teeth :———- for cutting,————- for tearing and———–and—————-for crushing and grinding food.
  53. (c) if teeth are not best kept clean , —————–can develop in them.
  54. (d) ————–is the best option for cleaning the teeth.
  55. (e) we should ———our teeth because no new teeth will appear in their place.
  56. 6- How to brush your teeth?
  57. ————————————————————————————————–
  58. 7- How are you taking care of teeth?
  59. —————————–,———————————-,———————————
  60. 8- What kinds of teeth?
  61. ————————,——————–,——————-,————————-
  62. 9- What causes problems in the teeth?
  63. ————————————————————————————————–
  64. 10- What is structure of a tooth?
  65. —————–,—————-,—————–,——————,—————-,———-
  66. 11- Write the steps of developing cavities: (how do cavities develop?)
  67. 1————————————————-,2———————————————
  68. 3————————————————,4———————————————-
  69. 12-what is the best time to clean up your teeth?
  70. ————————————————————————————————–
  71. 13- What is the natural brush? Where do we get it from?
  72. ————————————————————————————————–
  73. 14- The natural brush is useful for our teeth, how?
  74. ————————————————————————————————–
  75. 15- What the functions of the part? What the number? What the shapes?
  76. Incisors——————————————————, premolars———————
  77. Canines—————————————————–, molars————————–
  78. [/


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