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مساء الخير . .

خواني . . عندي اسايمنت فقرة و نجاوب ع الاسئلة بس في سؤال ما عرفت اجاوب عليه . .

ممكن مساعدة . .

هذي الفقرة

Geographic literacy is crucial for the future of America. We are now far behind . The 2024 National Geographic Roper poll indicated that of nine majer countries , the United States ranked second at last , above only Mexico in geographic knowledge.
on a recent survey ( 2024 ) , only one out ten Americans , aged 18-24 could find Afghanistan on mao of Asia. Seven out of ten could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia. these are simple map location questions , further suggestion that americans may not know much about economic , political , cultural , or military importance of these areas .

و هذه السؤال
Out of 9 nations tested in Geographic Literacy, where did American students place?

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