تخطى إلى المحتوى

الى مدرسات اللغة الانجليزية أو اي أحد عنده خبرة

  • بواسطة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته…

أريد نموذج لاختبار ((listening+reading)) للوحدتين 6 – 7

thank you very mutcالشارقةh….

وأنا أريد امتحان عن الوحدة السابعة لو سمحتو
هذا الامتحان اللي كنت حاطتنه والسموحة

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Yesterday Haliemah was happy. She had three meals. She had two pieces of bread, a piece of cheese and five eggs for breakfast. The bread and eggs tasted delicious but the cheese tasted salty. She had fish, rice, orange juice and apples for lunch. The fish smelt delicious and the juice tasted sweet. She had three slices of tomato, a cup of yogurt and a glass of milk for dinner.
Mark true [ √ ] or false [ X ]:

1. Haliemah was happy. [ ]
2. She had a piece of onion for breakfast. [ ]
3. She had a banana for lunch. [ ]
4. She had a cup of yogurt for dinner. [ ]
5. She likes tomato. [ ]

Complete the following table about Haliemah’s food.

The juice tasted The fish smelt
The cheese tasted The bread and eggs tasted Haliemah eats


……………… زز
3 …………

هذا الامتحان اللي كنت حاطتنه والسموحة .. دعواتكم

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Yesterday Haliemah was happy. She had three meals. She had two pieces of bread, a piece of cheese and five eggs for breakfast. The bread and eggs tasted delicious but the cheese tasted salty. She had fish, rice, orange juice and apples for lunch. The fish smelt delicious and the juice tasted sweet. She had three slices of tomato, a cup of yogurt and a glass of milk for dinner.
Mark true [ √ ] or false [ X ]:

1. Haliemah was happy. [ ]
2. She had a piece of onion for breakfast. [ ]
3. She had a banana for lunch. [ ]
4. She had a cup of yogurt for dinner. [ ]
5. She likes tomato. [ ]

Complete the following table about Haliemah’s food.

The juice tasted The fish smelt
The cheese tasted The bread and eggs tasted Haliemah eats


……………… زز
3 …………

كل الشكر لج ((شارية وناستي))ويزاج الله خير على الافادة..
مشكورين على الاجابات

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