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ورقة عمل لغة انجليزية 2- Grammar

2- Grammar
A-Circle the correct word from a, b, c, or d
1-How…………………..does it take?
a- old b-far c-long d-fast
2-How………………is it?
a- distance b-time c-place d-far
3-I go………………bus.
a- in b-on c-by d-with
4-I want………………….a plane.
a- flies b-flew c-fly d-to fly
5-A taxi is …………………….. car.
a- kind b-a kind c-a kind of d-kinds
6-It ……………………..thirty minutes.
a- lasts b-takes c-goes d-is
7-There are ………………………..in my class.
a-about twenty person b- twenty people about
c-about twenty people d-about people twenty
8-“Can I ask _______ question?” “Of course. What do you want to ask?”
a- the b-an c-a d-by
9-She ………………………….medicine when she graduate from school.
a-want to study b- wants to study
c-to study wants d-wants study
10- I ………………………….. want a car
a- doesn’t want b-don’t c-don’t have d-don’t had
11- We enjoyed our holiday. _________ hotel was very nice.
a- The b-a c-an d- on
12- There are………………………pupils in my school
a-thousand b-a thousand c-thousands d-one
13- He goes to work _________ foot.
a- in b-on c-by d-with
14- Jane is _________ interesting person. You must meet her
a- The b-a c-an d- on
15-The word “fly” has the follwing vowel sound:
a-/I/ b-/aI/ c-/eI/ d-/i:/

2- Grammar

B-Reorder the words to make a question:

1- get to how school do you ?

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……………..

2- how take does it long ?

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……………

3- it how far is ?

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………….

4- how a go fast can bicycle ?

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……………

5- to do drive why people work ?

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ……………

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc examTheme5 (1).doc‏ (49.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 98)

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