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اللهم يسر لي أمري وحلل عقدة لساني

  • بواسطة
السلام عليكم
لو سمحتوا اساتذتي ومعلماتي وأخواني الطلبة واخواتي الطالبات من الصف العاشر أبي مساعدة في حل اسئلة البيوبل بوك ص24 سb بفروعه +e بفروعة الله يخليكم اجابات نموذجية بلييييز الواجب تسليمة غدا وانا طلعت معلومات عن عمان
عنبوة المشاهدات شو كثرهن ولا رد
The Sultanate of Oman

The Sultanate of Oman is located in the State of South-East Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia. It shares borders from the north-west with the United Arab Emirates and from the west with Saudi Arabia and from the south-east with Yemen. The beach has a length of about 3200 meters, overlooking the Arabian Sea and the Arabian Gulf
Background information on the Sultanate of Oman
Area: 309500 square kilometers
DC: Muscat
Religion: Islam
Population: 3,204,8001 million people, according to estimates by mid-2019.
Population density: 7.8 persons per square kilometer.
Time: 4 hours on advanced GMT.
Currency: Omani riyal = 2.58 USD (387 riyal us $ 1)
Total income: 7311.9 million Omani riyals (at the market price in 2024)
GDP: 7602.9 million Omani riyals (at the market price in 2024)
Weather: Hot and humid in summer, cool winter.
Benchmarks: metric system.
Electricity: 220 volts.
Education: Education receives approximately 555 thousand students in 2024. (Between the ages of 6-18 years in schools in the Sultanate.)
Health: 48 hospitals and 118 health centers.
Roads: 33.847 km, including 8477 km of paved roads and the remainder unpaved roads in 2024
Oil production: about 904.700 barrels per day.
Oil reserves: 5.8 billion barrels (proven reserves).
Natural gas reserves: about 24.40 trillion cubic feet (proven reserves).
Copper reserves: about 15 million tons.
Fish stocks: 4.77 million tons.
Population growth rate: 2.8%
Life: 73.4 years.
National Day: November 18 marks each year (an official holiday for two days later in the month).
Holidays: different days according to the Hijri Year: birth Al-Nabawi Sharif XVII – and-Sheikh Eid-Al-Fitr Eid Al-Adha beginning of the year the new Hijri-day Renaissance July 23 of each year.
Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said bin Timor
انا حليتة ونقلته للاستفادة والي يبتة معدل يقول وبيبلة اياه
ما قصرتوا ؟؟

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