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vocabulary CEPA

Name : Vocabulary Test March
Choose the correct answer

1- That loud bang gave quite a …………….so I stiffened
a- fight
b- front
c- fridge
d- frog
2- There was a smell of a …….onions in the kitchen , so I left it quickly
a- foggy
b- frying
c- planning
d- filling
3- The mystery of her ………..has never been solved
a- disappearance
b- corner
c- disapproval
d- coast
4- He always tries to ……………any arguments if possible
a- exist
b- avoid
c- sow
d- scold
5- That dress looks nice. It has thin …………….in the shoulders
a- images
b- links
c- stripes
d- pastry
6- She immediately agreed on going to Dubai without any moment of ….
a- merry
b- pronunciation
c- congratulation
d- hesitation

7- Wearing Al- Burquae is an ………………clothes
a- old age
b- old fashioned
c- old treatment
d- old testament
8- I hate going to the dentists’ clinic because I’m a terrible …………
a- obedient
b- jealous
c- brightly
d- coward
9- The people …………at the news of the victory
a- revenge
b- rejoice
c- react
d- respect
10- She told a joke to ………………the sad atmosphere
a- lighten
b- frighten
c- thicken
d- sadden
11- It is usually in wet places like paths , the floor is wet and ………..
a- slippery
b- flowery
c- smelly
d- modesty
12- Nothing is …………..in life
a- ever
b- every place
c- every body
d- everlasting
13- The children will be tested on addition, subtraction, ….and division
a- multi
b- multiplication
c- minus
d- omission
14- She was attractive in the party. She was wearing a long black dress and a pink ……………….
a- collar
b- pigeon
c- lipstick
d- parcel
15- You should be ……………….to the job interview
a- moderate
b- brave
c- punctual
d- modesty
16- She is seeking ……………for the murder of her husband
a- revenge
b- lie
c- sweeten
d- sow
17- Some teachers felt …………….by a lack of recourses
a- hatred
b- hundred
c- hindered
d- handed
18- Most women are struggling to combine their ……..and their careers
a- motherhood
b- brotherhood
d- sisterhood
19- The police officer wrote the details in his ……………
a- beak
b- calculator
c- notebook
d- bicycle
20- Many patients complained of being ………by the doctor’s manner
a- discomforted b- dissatisfied c- discouraged d- disliked

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شكراَ (( تقبلي مرور الطالب المقاتل ))

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