تخطى إلى المحتوى

safety at home & safety at community

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته..

أبغيــــ مـــــوضـــوع " برجرافـــ" عن :

(safety at home & safety at community)

وجزآكــــمــ اللهــــ كل خيير ,,,

ضروووري واللهــ الشارقة

انا ماااااااااا عندي …..
برووحي ادوور ؟؟؟
Road Safety

Accidents on the road have become very common these days .
Road safety is the process of learning how to safe and reduce accident causes on road.
safety is not only necessary for the individual but also for the society.
Pedestrians should also be very careful while using the roads. A safe driver is one who pays attention,
expect the unexpected for example; road a corner where you cannot see. you shouldn’t listen to loud music.
He or she is always aware and does not speed. Safe drivers also does not run red lights.
Drivers mustn’t be angry with the people who behave badly, Stop, calm down and then continue your journey.
Safe drives also must switch off a mobile phone and phone back latter. If you follow these rules I believe that accidents will decrease on the road.

اترك تعليقاً

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