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colours and psychology <<< لصف الثانـي عشر الادبــي

السلاامـــ عليكمـ ورحمـــه الله وبركاتـــه

أشحالكمـ أعضاء منتدانا ؟؟ إن شاء الله بخيـر وسهـالــه الشارقة

سـوفـــ أضع بين يديكمـ تقريري من صنع يدي

ستحصلون عليــه درجــه كاملـــه بأذن الله الشارقة

بعنوان // colours and psychology

Across every continent and in every culture, colour dominates and permeates our lives. Few of us realise this and in our fast-moving world we are constantly bombarded by colour, yet many of us have lost touch with its meanings. Colour surrounds us, feeding and nourishing our senses. We see it, feel it and absorb it. Our minds, bodies and spirits are profoundly affected by it.
Colour psychology is the study of the effect that colours have on human behaviour particularly the natural instinctive feelings that each colour evokes. Colour preference is subjective however colour psychology reveals how each colour creates a collective emotional, mental and physical response in people as a whole.
Red is a powerful colour that has always been associated with vitality and ambition. It can help overcome negative thoughts. Red is the most physical of all colours. It is the colour of blood and has a stimulating action on our heart and circulation; red light will raise the blood pressure. Our body system is fortified by red; it stimulates the adrenal glands, helping us to become strong and build up our stamina. Red: power, prosperity, ambition, vitality, courageous, assertive, anti-depressant. We use Red as our Corporate Brand colour, a colour which is particularly important in Asia.
Yellow is also a happy, bright and uplifting colour, a celebration of sunny days. It is associated with the intellectual side of the brain and stimulates our ability to think clearly, make decisions and assists our memory. It also helps good organisation, assimilation of new ideas and the ability to see different points of view. It builds self-confidence and encourages an optimistic attitude. Yellow wavelengths of light stimulate the brain, making you alert, clear headed and decisive. Yellow: happy, uplifting, light, bright, mentally stimulating, optimistic, and logical. We use yellow as the brand colour for our Peran range of decorative floor finishes for commercial environments.
Green has a strong affinity with nature, helping us connect and empathise with others and the natural world. We instinctively seek it when under stress or experiencing emotional trauma. Green creates a feeling of comfort and relaxation, calmness and space, lessening stress, balancing and soothing the emotions. Green brings physical equilibrium and relaxation. It has a balancing quality. Green: peaceful, natural, free, contented, mentally and physically relaxing, calming. We use green as the brand colour for our Isocrete range of early drying floor screeds.
Blue is a cool, calming colour. It represents the night, so makes us feel calm and relaxed as if we are being soothed by the deep blue of the night sky. Light and soft blues make us feel quiet and protected from all the bustle and activity of the day. Blue: soothing, cooling, calming, relaxing, peace, tranquillity. We use shades of blue for our range of Industrial Floor Finishes Flowguard, Flowshield and Ultrafresh as well as Deckshield, our Car Park Deck Waterproofing systems.
The colour of ultimate purity is white. It is an all around colour of protection, bringing peace and comfort, alleviating emotional shock and despair, helping cleanse emotions, thoughts and spirit. If you need time and space to reflect on your life, white can give you a feeling of freedom and uncluttered openness. Too much white however can be cold and isolating because white separates us from other people. White: purity, virginity, peacefulness, cold.
Black is associated with silence, the infinite, uncharted and mysterious. Black can also prevent us from growing and changing. We often cloak ourselves in black to hide from the world. Black: restrictive, protective, mysterious, death.
The colour of Mother Earth, brown brings a sense of stability, alleviating insecurity.
Brown: Nurturing, supportive, earthy.
The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.

Scientific tests prove that after exposure to colour, we experience physical, mental and emotional changes (except for black, white and grey). It can be as drastic as changes in blood pressure and body temperature. It affects our perception of space and can even have an affect on our appetite and mood.
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Introduction ………………………………………… 1
Colours ……………………………………………… 2
Conclusion ………………………………………….. 2

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هلا يا طيف الشامسي
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة دنيا الأخلاق الشارقة
هلا يا طيف الشامسي

هلاا والله أختـي

سوي كوبـي وعطيه حقهـاأ وبتحصلين درجه كامـلـه إن شاء الله الشارقة

الله يوفقج وأسعدنـي مرورج الغاليـــــه ..

دمتِ بحفظ الرحمــن ..

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