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Amazing punctuation

.The period is a busy man
.A small round traffic cop
.He blocks the helter-skelter words
.And brings them to a stop
,The question mark a tiny girl
;She’s small but very wise
She asks too many questions
.For a person of her size
,Of all the punctuation folk
.I like the comma best
.For when I’m getting out of breath
He lets me take a rest
Quotation marks are curious
When friendly talk begins
You’ll always find these little marks
.Are busy listening in
,The exclamation mark’s an elf
.Who is easily excited
When children laugh or cry or scream
.It’s then he’s most delighted
,Whenever you come to the end of a thought
.You sign it off with a polka dot
,Isn’t, too, isn’t, too

,Won’t and I’ve and let’s, it’s true

I am so sorry for the misleading of the punctuation it’s not my fault may be a problem with the forum site I urge the responsible to correct this problem because any time i transfer a file from word programm in english all the punctuation come to the other side of the writing words so please correct it
.Thank you for your contribution and try to be patient with this technical problem till we find a way

thx a lot for your interest
اهنا ع سعة اطلاعك
it is a great topic
thanks a bunch
you’re welcome miss sawsan

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