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ways to remember

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Grade11 :
The article teacher:

introduction :-
You get to school and realize you forgot your lunch at home. You take a test and you can’t remember half the answers. You see the new kid who just joined your class, and you can’t remember his name. Some days, it seems like your brain is
taking a holiday–you can’t remember anything!
So my report is about how you can remember things ..
And I will give you wonderful ways to remember..

One of the ways is :- playing games with mamory

Think about how you tried to remember the objects in one of the memory games. Some people try to remember them just by repeating them over and over, like this: comb, book, can of beans, left shoe, and so on. If you tried that, you were using what scientists call your "working memory".
When you look up a telephone number and repeat it over and over until you dial it, you’re using your working memory. Your working memory is great for jobs like remembering a phone number for a few minutes.
But five minutes later, after you made a phone call using this method, you probably won’t be able to remember the number. Your working memory can hold a small amount of information for a relatively short time. Repeating a list of things over and over lets you remember some of the items on the list for a little while. But it’s tough to store twenty different things in your working memory and remember them long enough to write them down.

One way to remember more things for a longer time is to use what scientists call "elaborative encoding." "Encoding" is another word for transforming something into a memory. "Elaborative encoding" lets you connect new information to memories that you already have, and that helps you remember the new information. It can help you move that list of objects out of your working memory and into your long-term memory. (Long-term memory is just what it sounds like: memories that last for a long time — days or months or years.)
tell yourself a story : Also you can

When you tell yourself a story and imagine what’s happening, you are doing a couple of things. First, you are connecting the different pictures so that when you remember one, you remember the others too. If you remember "cat," you have a good chance of remembering "bicycle" and "dog" and "C" for Charlie. It’s hard to remember all the items in a list where nothing is connected to anything else. It’s easier to remember when one item is attached to a whole lot of others.
Second, you are making a mental picture that includes all these different things. Making a mental picture helps you remember something later. You may discover that making up a story didn’t help you remember all the objects — but it helped you remember some of the objects for a lot longer. When you made a mental picture of the objects, you used your long-term memory, and that picture stuck with you.
In the end .. we know that there is many ways to remember or to move the information from the short term into long term . I hope that this report was useful for you . and I wish that you enjoyed the time while you are reading my report …

www.happy child.org
https://www.study 4uae.com/

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واتمنى يفيدكم

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May Allah bless u 4 your effort

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