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لو سمحتوا بغيت أوراق grammer ضروري :)

السلام عليكم ..

شحالكم ؟؟ إن شاءالله بخير ..

بغيت أوراق عن grammer …. و اللي بيحطلي .. في ميزان حسناته ..الشارقة
إن شاءالله الشارقة ….. ضروري الشارقة

و السموحة إذا ثقلت عليكم ..الشارقة

اريد وراق عمل طوووووووووووووووووووريييييييييييييييييييييي
عندي بس الاسكنر خربان
انا عندي بس ما اعرف كيف احطيه في الموقع
me 2
ya reet bsr3a tdwroon
والله أنا ما عندي لو كان عندي مابقصر بعطيك
GRAMMAR ( 20 M.)
Circle the correct answer:- ( 15 M.)

1- I ( is – are – am – be) going to talk about Japan.

2- School ( starting – start – have started – starts) at 7.

3- Last week, I ( learnt – learning – learns – to learn) about China.

4- We ( is – are – be – am ) going to study English.

5- ( How – Who – where – When) gives you history?

6- How ( deep – old – far – long) does it take to India?

7- I am going to ( doing – does- do – done ) my homework.

8- What ( am – are – be – is ) she going to start school?

9- We learnt how ( from – to – by – at) get the area of a circle.

10-What did you study in history ( a – the – ……. – an ) last week.?

11-There ( am – are – be –is ) some water in the fridge.

12 -Can you ( write – writes – to write – writing) your name in English?

13 – How ( done – do – doing – does) he make Yes/No questions.

14 – The teacher told ( we – our – ours – us ) the answer.

15 – I go to school ( at – by – in – with) car.

1- in maths – studied – triangles – we – week – last.

We studied in triangles maths last week

2- Started in – learnt that – I – World War II – 1939

3- the lesson – the – after – write – points – important.

4- the break – have – before – we – maths .

We have the break before maths .

5- French – study – some – children.
Some children study French

1- What are you …………. when you leave school?
a) go to be b) going to be c) goes to be d) be going
2- The film was very …………… yesterday.
a) bored b) bores c) boring d) get bored
3- There are two pens on the table. One is for you and …….. is for your sister.
a) other b) the other c) another d) the another
4- Hamad ……………. in the UAE in 1995.
a) born b) is born c) were born d) was born
5- Don’t drink too ……………. cola.
a) many b) much c) few d) several
6- Yesterday, we learnt …………… the mountains in Europe.
a) of b) to c) about d) from
7- Did Tom …………. to Dubai yesterday?
a) went b) goes c) going d) go
8- We visited Borj Al-Arab in Dubai …………….. ago.
a) last week b) week c) a week d)last weeks
9- It ………………….. outside.
a) is still raining b) raining is c) raining still d) still is raining
10- How …………… is it from here to Dubai? 120 kilometers
a) far b) long c) many d) much
11- There is …………….. water in the bottle.
a) any b) some c) a d) an
12- Rashid was driving his car …………………
a) slow b) slower c) slowest d) slowly
13- I’m …………….. in drawing.
a) interesting b) interests c) interested d) interest
14- He wants ……………….. a job in a bank.
a) to getting b) get c) to get d) getting
15- I gave …………………………..
a) money my brother b) to money my brother
c) my brother money d) my brother to money

B) Re-order the words to form meaningful sentences:
1- in the USA – longer – people – living – are.
2- ever – an accident – have – you – had ?
3- like – please – eggs – I’d – boiled .
4- often – her mother – she – helps – kitchen – in the .
5- in your country – weather – what – the – is – like ?
Choose the correct answer from a.b.c or d
1- The population of Europe———————— falling now.
a. is b. am c. are d. were
2- ————— 1870, Charles Dickens died.
a. on b. in c. at d. for
3-. Look I That man is eating very————-
a. slow b. slowly c. to slow d. slowed
4-I don’t like ——————–a football match alone
a. watch b. watches c. watching d. watched
5- Do you————— that all people can swim?
a. think b. thought c. thinking d. thinks
6. The woman paid ——————-$ 100 for the painting.
a. he b. him c. his d. he’s
7.————–you speak English? Yes, I do
a. Do b. does c . Did e. Was
8. Everybody ————————to the cinema at the weekend.
a. go b. goes. C. going d. to go
9- The guest gave a present——————— the woman.
a. with b. from c. to d. of
10-How ——————–glasses of milk do drink every day?
A) much b. far c. often d . many
11- How ————-milk do you drink every day?
A) much b. far c. often d. many
12- This is my ———————–book.
a. father b. father is c. fathers d. father’s
13. Has she given you her CD player? No, she ————–
a. does b. has c. haven’t d. hasn’t
14. From time ——————time, I watch a horror movie.
a. at b. to c. for d. at
15- lam going to——————– my little brother to swim in the pool.
a. take b. takes c. is taking d. took
B. Reorder to make meaningful sentences. Put commas and capital letters if necessary.
1- . expectancy / still / is / in I Europe I rising / life I.
2- we I the / museum / visited / yesterday I.
__________________________________________________ _____________
3- in I Renaissance / the / people I were / most I dead / at /37.
__________________________________________________ _____________
4- death /the / of/ the ? princess / tragic / was /
__________________________________________________ ___________________________

شكرا جزيلا الحلم العربي ع هالأسئلة
يسلموا الأيادي
يسلمو يديك يالحلم العربي مشكووووووووووووووور ما قصرتي يسلمو يدك مرا كمان


مشكور ع كل هذي الاسئلة..
الله يعطيك الصحه و العافيه.
والله ماقصر مشكوووووووووووووووووورالشارقة

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