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كلمة إعجاب لأولمبياد اللغة الإنجليزية 2024

A word of admiration:

(The English ******** Olympiad 2024) Female Day.

Today I witnessed a very successful activity held on Al-Qasba’ Theatre. It was The English ******** Olympiad 2024. The activity proved to be a unique experience for all attendants.

My admiration of all the details cannot be adequately expressed in words so I will try to draw a picture portraying the perfection of the day.

In a beautiful area in Sharjah situated on a quiet and a very romantic spot
decorated with colorful flowers and overlooking a lovely water channel, 24 efficient government teachers representing 12 qualified secondary schools gather, accompanied by 36 marvelous students under the supervision of 7 intellectual supervisors. The purpose of the gathering is to debate a real-life topic that affects all people everywhere; "The Power of TV Commercials".

Let me add some colors to my picture. On entering the place, every body is received with warm smiles and obvious respect from the reception committee members and led to their assigned sections. The place is so well-organized that it takes less than a minute to be seated comfortably. Coffee, tea, dates and cookies are served until Mr. Professional, Ahmad Bourini, the head of the organizing committee starts, precisely as scheduled, his welcoming speech followed by charming Miss Wafa’ Mohammad Sharif as a talented moderator of the activity. The process of choosing schools and teams is nothing but very fair


Here comes the amazing part of the students participating and who cannot be described more than buds blossoming, spreading sweet scents and beautifying the place with wonderful colors. Their debates are stylish, sophisticated and informative. Their words reflect their knowledge of the issue discussed and the great efforts done by their teachers to help them rise to the occasion. Tense, as they are sometimes, they are adorable. Some of them are humorous, others are astonishing and all are promising. The general atmosphere is lovely and cheerful


My word of admiration is dedicated to everyone who participated in making the day and especially to the genius supervisor
Mr. Ahmad Bourini


I also thank all participants for their efforts to support and contribute to the success of this important and fruitful event.

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