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حصة مشاهدة

حصة مشاهدة


مرحبا خواتي …بلييييز ساااعدوني …عندي ان شاءالله حصة مشاااهدة الأسبووع الياي …وابيكم اتساااعدوني …اتكلم عن وحدة job بليزز ابي افكار واشياااء للصف السادس ..مدرسة نموووذجية… اللغة الانجليزية

ok u need so many pictures for the jobs…first ask them who is this?where does he work?what does he do?
then tell the students to ask …then ask the students to make false sentences about the jobs…like the doctor works in a school n so on…then for the group work ask one group to make a dialogue between a patient and a doctor n another group an interview with a teacher …another group act a play about another job n so on…. there is a beautiful game too…u can have one girl standing infront of the others stick in her back any job n tell her to ask her friends about what job is that by saying( does she work in ….? does she wear white…and so on tell she guess the job…mmmm well i have lots of activities which will take pages hehehe any way hope these r useful
شو يعني حصة مشاهدة ؟
مشكووووووورة اختي موزة وما قصرتي ؟؟
حصة مشااهدة يعني تقديم الدرس مع وجود المديرة والموجهة وعدد من المدرسين

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