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جايبلكم تقرير رااااائع عن safety

جايبلكم تقرير رائع عن safety
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Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.

Meanings of safety:
There also are two slightly different meanings of safety, for example, home safety may indicate a building’s ability to protect against external harm events (like weather, home invasion, etc), and the second that its internal installations (like appliances, stairs, etc) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its habitants.

Safety can be limited in relation to some guarantee or a standard of insurance to the quality and unharmful function of an object or organization. It is used in order to ensure that the object or organization will do only what it is meant to do.
It’s important to realize that safety is relative. Eliminating all risk, if even possible, would be extremely difficult and very expensive. A safe situation is one where risks of injury or property damage are low and manageable.

Types of safety
It is important to distinguish between products that meet standards, that are safe, and those that merely feel safe. The highway safety community uses these terms:
Normative safety
Normative safety is a term used to describe products or designs that meet applicable design standards.
Substantive safety
Substantive safety means that the real-world safety history is favorable, whether or not standards are met.
Perceived safety
Perceived safety refers to the level of comfort of users. For example, traffic signals are perceived as safe, yet under some circumstances, they can increase traffic crashes at an intersection. Traffic roundabouts have a generally favorable safety record, yet often make drivers nervous.

Risks and responses
Safety is generally interpreted as implying a real and significant impact on risk of death, injury or damage to property. In response to perceived risks many interventions may be proposed with engineering responses and regulation being two of the most common.
Probably the most common individual response to perceived safety issues is insurance, which compensates for or provides restitution in the case of damage or loss.

Standards organizations
A number of standards organizations exist that promulgate safety standards. These may be voluntary organizations or government agencies.
American National Standards Institute
A major American standards organization is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Usually, members of a particular industry will voluntarily form a committee to study safety issues and propose standards. Those standards are then recommended to ANSI, which reviews and adopts them. Many government regulations require that products sold or used must comply with a particular ANSI standard.
Testing laboratories
Product safety testing, for the United States, is largely controlled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. In addition, work-place related products come under the jurisdiction of OSHA [verification needed], which certifies independent testing companies as Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL), For other countries, there are many other organizations that have accreditation to test and/or submit test reports for safety certification. These are typically referred to as a Notified or Competent Body. The most common is the IECEE Certification Body Scheme
Government agencies
Many government agencies set safety standards for matters under their jurisdiction, such as:
• the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
• the United States Environmental Protection Agency
• the Food and Drug Administration

Being safe is something we all want for ourselves, our families and our friends.
Our safety is very important so we must be careful for each move we do.


1- English book for 11th grade.

2- Wikipedia site.

إن شاء يكون عجبكم

مشكوور اخووي ع الموضووع المميز
تسلم ايدك
من بداية الفصل و أنا طالبة الموضوع
<div tag="9|80|” >شكراً كتيير يا سيف العراق ، و الموضوع عنجد رائع

thank you sooo much

u sis


Thanks very much sir I hope u all the good
شكرا على الردود

الحمد لله انه عجبكم

شكرا شكرا ما قصروا
مشكوووووووور على الموضوع
ثااااااااااااانكس . ..
في ميزاان حسنااتك ياارب ..
شكرا سيف العراق
ثااااااااااااااااااااانكس يا سيف العراق
على الموضووووووووووع النااااااااااايس
تسلم سيف ع الموضوووووع
يسلموو على هالمجهوود الطيب ^^
روووعة شكراا..
مشكووووووور علا الموضوع الموضوع ماعلية زوووووووووود….
مشككككككككككوووووووووورررر اخخخخخووووووووويييييييي
مشكورين اخواني و أخواتي على هذه الردود الحلوة وإن شاء الله اقدم لكم كل ما يفيدكم

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