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استبيان ارجو الدخول ^^

السلام عليكم

شحالكم ؟ ممكن تحلون هالاستبيان ..

Short Questionnaire
1. Do you use body lotion?

a) Yes b) No

2. If yes, which brand do you prefer?

a) Nivea b) Dove c) Jergens d) Other e) Don’t know

3. Are you satisfied with your current brand?

a)Strongly agree b) Agree c) No strong opinion d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

4. What is your skin type?

a) Normal b) Dry c) Oily d) Other e) Don’t know

5. How often do you apply lotion?

a) Once a day b) >than once a day c) Twice a week d) Once a week e) Other

6. When do you use body lotion?

a) Day b) Night c) Day and night d) As needed e) Other

7. Where do you buy body lotion?

a) Supermarkets b) Beauty salon c) Global village d) Other e) Don’t know

8. Children should be use body lotion

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) No strong opinion d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

9. How do you usually choose your body lotion?

A. I trust the brand’s reputation
B. I like the flavour
C. It provides the specific benefits I need
D. Other
E. Don’t know

10. How much do you spend on body lotion?
a) 10-25AED b) 25-40 AED c) 40-55 AED d) 55-70 AED e) Other

في انتظار اجوبتكم …

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