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إمتحان للغة الإنجليزية

. Would you …………..paint your old car ?
a. like b. liked to c. like to d. likes

2. In Geography, we learn …………….. planets.
a. about b. to c. because d. how to

3. Did you ……………..to the party last night ? Yes, I did.
a. go b. going c. went d. goes

4. I like …………… T.V. with my family.
a. watch b. watches c. watching d. watched

5. Do you think that all people can………………..?
a. swimming b. swam c. swims d. swim

6. Usually, deserts are …………..than mountains.
a. hot b. hotter c. hottest d. more hot

7. ……………your sister speak English? Yes, she does.
a. is b. does c . do d. was

8. She should………….. on time or we will leave without her.
a. comes b. came c. come d. coming

9. Where does ……………. brother study? .
a. you b. your c. yours d. you’re

10. Last week, we …………. take an exam .
a. didn’t b. doing c. does d. don’t

11. The weather is bad these days and it will become ………….soon.
a. worse b. the worst c. the best d. best

12. I usually don’t …………. up late..
a. get b. got c. getting d. gets

13. He is …………….now. Would you call him later ?
a. sleep b. slept c. sleeping d. have slept

14. I couldn’t buy a new car……….I hadn’t enough money.
a. but b. because c. so d. instead

15. I am going to ………….my little brother to swim in the pool.
a. take b. takes c. is taking d. took
B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Last year, she ………………..to London to learn English .
a. travels b. travel c. travelled d. traveling

2. ………………. you help your mother at home last weekend ?
a. do b. did c. does d. doing

3. Do you pray everyday? Yes, I ……………
a. did b. doing c. do d. does

4. We go…………………. every weekend .
a. shop b. shops c. shopped d. shopping

5. Some birds can not ………………
a. flies b. fly c. flew d. flying

6. Deserts are …………..than coasts.
a. dry b. drier c. dryer d. more dry

7. We …………. skiing now.
a. is b. am c . are d. was

8. We all enjoy ……………….T.V.
a. watch b. watches c. watched d. watching

9. ……………pen do you want, the green or the black ?
a. Which b. Who c. Where d. When

10. Does Ali …………. in the mosque ?
a. prays b. prayed c. pray d. praying

11. Summer is ……………. Spring.
a. hot b. hotter c. hottest d. hotter than

12. I usually don’t …………. cold weather.
a. drink b. drank c. drunk d. drinking

13. We always …………….breakfast at 9:30 in our school.
a. have b. has c. having d. have had

14. It ………….heavily last night.
a. rain b. rains c. raining d. rained

15. I was ill, so my father……………me to the hospital.
a. take b. takes c. is taking d. took
C. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Salim was absent today, …………………. he missed the exam.
a. so b. but c. because d. and

2. Waleed wrote his homework, …………………….. he forgot his workbook at home.
a. so b. but c. because d. and

3. Mona watched TV ……………………….. she finished her homework.
a. so b. but c. because d. and
4. Some students like watching plays …………………….. reading books.
a. so b. but c. because d. and

5. Everybody in class worked hard, ……………….. they got high marks.
a. so b. but c. because d. and

6. Ahmad often …….………. to school by bus.
a. go b. going c. goes d. will go

7. The boys are ……………………………. than the girls.
a. fast b. faster c. fastest d. fasts

8. Amal is ……………………….. than her brother.
a. clever b. cleverest c. cleverer d. the cleverest

9. I …………………… for school.
a. never late am. b. late never am c. never am late d. am never late

10. Hala ………………………….. her work by car.
a. to always goes b. always to goes c. always goes to d. goes always to

11. Sometimes, my father …………………………. to work.
a. drive b. driving c. driven d. drives

12. My teachers always ………………………..me at school.
a. help b. helps c. helping d. were helped

13. Fatima and her mother often ……………………………. their relatives.
a. visiting b. visits c. visit d. been visited

14. Muslims never ……………………………. Pork.
a. eats b. eating c. has eaten d. eat

15. The headmaster usually ……………………… at school till 2:30 p.m.
a. stays b. staying c. has stayed d. stay
16. Mark ………………………… when he goes to The Mega Mall.
a. is happy always b. is always happy c. always happy is d. happy is always

17. I ……………………………. fishing every weekend.
a. enjoys b. enjoying c. enjoy d. am enjoyed

18. Last month, we learnt ……………………….. the four seasons.
a. of b. at c. on d. about

19. Most ………………………, students do their homework on time.
a. day b. day’s c. days d. days’

20. My father is going to………………… a new mosque in our street.
a. build b. building c. builds d. built

D. Re-order to make meaningful sentences.
1. / walks / the / He / slowly / in / dark / .
2. / people / Most / watching / sunset. / like / the /
3. / Earth / The / vertical. / is / not / . is / It / tilted. /
4. / The / is / bright. / so / Sun /
5. / dull / It / is / because / cloudy. / is / it /
E. Reorder to make meaningful sentences.

1. hard / rain / it / last / Did / night / ?
2. answered / wrongly / I / .
3. Maths / have / then / IT / We / .
4. I / visit / grandparents / Sometimes / at / the / weekends / my / .
5. quarter / is / It / to / seven / .

F. Re-order the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences:
1. Mona , at , plays, volleyball, her, school , .
2. Ali, hard, work , Does, ?
3. boys, hard, exam, studied, the, for , Our , .
4. in , the , people, celebrate, UAE, Day, National, The, .
5. the , capital, of , Abu Dhabi, UAE, is, the, .
6. pork, eat, never, Muslims, . …………………………………………………………………………………
7. Rashid, does, school, to, late, come, ? …………………………………………………………………………………
8. should, hard, work, student, marks, high, get, to, Every, . …………………………………………………………………………………
9. our, clean, country, should, We, keep, . …………………………………………………………………………………
10. seasons, four, are, There , Syria, in, . …………………………………………………………………………………
11. last, My, travelled, father, year, to, London, .
12. and, friend, got, marks, I, My, bad, . …………………………………………………………………………………
13. because, Ahmad, he, home, was, sick, went, . …………………………………………………………………………………

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