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إمتحان لغة إنجليزية للصف السابع للالب المتفوق افتحه وشوووووووووووووووف

Read and answer the questions bellow:

Juan is a teacher from the town of Gandessa but he works on the island of Cabrera. It takes Juan a long time to get to work.
First, he rides his bicycle to the train station at Gandessa. It is about three kilometer and it takes ten minutes. Then he gets a train to Adra. The city is about 30 kilometres from Gandessa and the train takes 45 minutes on a good day. From Adra Station, he gets a bus to the ferry stop. It is about two kilometers, but the bus takes a long time-20 minutes at least.
A ferry is a kind of boat. It goes from the coast to an island or from one side of a river to the other side.
Cabrera is about four kilomtres from the coast. The Cabrera ferry takes fifteen minutes.
Finally, Juan walks to the office. It is about half a kilometre, so it only takes five minutes. In the evening, he does it all again, in the opposite direction.
A) Read the text and complete the table:
job transport city island

B) Mark with (  ) or (  )
1- Juan takes 15 minutes to get to Adra. ( )
2- In the evening Juan goes from Gandessa to his office. ( )
3- Cabrera is about four kilomtres from the coast ( )
C) Complete the statements from a, b , c or d :
1- The ferry takes about ———————.minutes.
a- 5 b- 15 c- 50 d- 55
2- Juan goes to the train station by———————.
a- boat b- bus c- bicycle d- train
3- Juan walks for ———————.
a- half kilometer b- 5 kilometres c- 4 kilometres d- 2 kilometres

I)- Read and answer the following questions:

There are three main kinds of art in Western culture. There is painting, sculpture and architecture. There are four main kinds of painting. Firstly, there are portraits. A portrait is a painting of a person. You can usually see just the head and shoulders, but sometimes you can see the whole person in it . the most famous portrait shows the face of Mona Lisa. It’s by the Italian painter, Leonardo da Vinci.
The second kind of painting is landscape. It shows a piece of land; river, mountain or flowers.
The third kind of painting is the seascape. Of course the important thing is the sea. Sometimes there are boats or ships in the picture.
The fourth kind of painting is called still life. In a still life painting, we can see some flowers or some fruit-apples, oranges and grapes. There are some very famous still life paintings like "The sunflowers" by the Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh.
A)- The text is mainly about :
a- picture b- art c- painter d. Lisa
B)- Circle the correct answer from a , b , c or d:
1. In Western culture there are four kinds of …………………… . .
a – seascapes b-paintings c- still life d. flowers
2. We can see ………………….in the landscape
a- fruits b-seas c- mountains d. faces
3. Leonardo da Vinci painted the most famous ………………….. .
a- portrait b- still life c- landscape d. seascape
C) What do the underlined words mean?
4- (architecture) line 2 means ………………………….
a- planning b- drawing c- painting d. building
5- ( famous ) line 13 means ………………………….
a- well known b-unhappy c- ugly d. strange
D) Circle the correct answer from a, b , c ,or d:
1- How many kinds of painting are there in the Western culture?.
a- 4 b- 5 c- 3 d. 2
2- Where is Leonardo da Vinci from?.
a- France b- Germany c- Italy d. Spain

1. Circle the most suitable word from a, b , c or d:

1. A ————— is from zero to two years.
a- boy b- teenager c- man d- baby
2. Some children can deliver —————.
a- buses b- newspapers c- teachers d- receptionists
3. A plane is ————— than a car.
a- smaller b- shorter c- faster d- slower
4. Teenagers can ride a ————— at 17.
a- moped b- car c- plane d- boat
5. Abu Dhabi is a big ————— in the UAE.
a- town b- village c- city d- country
B.Match the opposites
1. east • • woman
2. man • • girl
3. boy • • female
4. child • • west
5. male • • adult

II)- Grammar (20 marks)
A)- Circle the correct word from a , b , c or d:
1. …………………………. is the best student in the class.
a- He b- They c- We d- It
2. Most people in the UAE go …………………………. by car.
a- work b- worked c- works d- to work
3. Pupils in the UK can …………………………. school at 16?
a- leave b-leaves c- to leave d- leaving
4. Most people in Italy stay …………………………. until they marry.
a- at home b- home c- in a home d- in the home
5. There …………………………. snow on the trees.
a- are b- — c- is d- were
6. Jane is the …………………………. as Brian.
a- same age b- age same c- age d- same like
7. Work begins …………………………. 7.30 in the morning.
a- in b- at c- on d- of
8. The children …………………………. playing on the grass..
a- — b- are c- am d- is
9. He can’t …………………………. the word " teenager".
a- spelling b- spelled c- to spell d- spell
10. The capital city is …………………………. the river.
a- in b- of c- on d- from
11. How far …………………………. from your house to school?
a- it was b- is it c- it is d- it
12. …………………………. can people vote in your country? At 18
a- where b- what c- when d-which
13. I don’t …………………………. a car, so I go to my job by bus.
a- had b- having c- have d- has
14. Many …………………………. in Europe have pets.
a- children b- child c- childs d- childrens
15. Do you like ………………………….?
a- walk b- are walking c- walked d- walking
B)- Re-order the words to make meaningful sentences:
1. you have Do on Friday lessons ?
2. at 14 people in Egypt Can work ?
3. men There are hovercraft three in the.
4. in a large My father works town on the coast.
5. rides his the bus station bicycle He to.

III)- Writing:
A)- Add the missing letters:
1. Anna is a ty—ist. She is still a te—nager.
2. A bicycle is f—ster than a car in the ru—h hour..

B)- Write three sentences about your " journey to school."
1. ———————————————————————————————-
2. ———————————————————————————————-
3. ———————————————————————————————-

C)- Write a paragraph about what people in the UAE can do.
These words may help you.( at the age- vote – drive a car – ride a moped – credit – marry – …..)

يزاج الله ألف خير
تسلمين وشكرا..

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